Reimagining 36th Avenue as a people-focused, art and nature-filled corridor that connects Seward and Longfellow neighbors and businesses
Who We Are
36th ART (Avenue Revitalization & Transformation) is a group of friendly neighbors that live on and around 36th Avenue South. They want 36th Ave. to be more than a fast road that connects the Seward and Longfellow neigborhoods in south Minneapolis, MN. Their wish is that it would feel as charming as the rest of the area!
Once they started talking to each other about their hopes and the overlooked needs of the avenue, they realized that collectively they’ve got 200 years of experience. With a motto of fun and getting things done they started meeting regularly in the summer of 2022. Look at the other pages here to see what has already been accomplished with the help of many excellent partners.
The projects of 36th ART are a testament to how a focused group of people can come together, along with their networks to make positive improvements in the community. If you'd like to learn more about our process, please feel invited to reach out. We are happy to talk with you.
36th ART members: (front row) Mia Bolte, Jack Becker, Terry Barnes, Kevin Barnes, (back row) Zac Barnes (and Harper!), Bobbie Erichsen, Phillip Muessig
What We Do
36th ART is a volunteer group of neighborhood residents working to address safety, accessibility, aesthetics and interpretive wayfinding along 36th Avenue South from East Lake Street to 25th Street East, in Minneapolis, MN, USA. 36th Avenue is an important corridor connecting the Seward and Longfellow neighborhoods. The group brings together local artists, residents and businesses to reimagine overlooked and underloved spaces along the corridor, transforming them into safe, accessible places filled with public art, nature and opportunities for community connection. The group hopes to highlight what is possible when caring people bring their collective energy, creativity, networks and fresh ideas to address long standing problems with new possibilities.
Our Vision
We envision a 36th Avenue that is safe, accessible, walkable, bikeable, people-focused and beautiful; a corridor that enhances the quality of life and climate resilience for children, families, businesses and visitors.
Goals & Objectives
Identify public spaces for improvement along the 36th Avenue corridor
Lead and demonstrate community-led initiatives that improve safety, accessibility, aesthetics and wayfinding
Enhance community cohesion, connection and belonging
Create a sense of place and that the corridor is a neighborhood asset
Invite community ideas and participation and support those ideas with connections to resources, funding, partners and plans for implementation